Kemloko Tobacco

Stems: Kemloko tobacco plants have quite tall stems, usually growing to a height of around 1.5 to 2 meters. The stems are sturdy and green or brown in color.

Leaves: Kemloko tobacco leaves have the following characteristics

Size: The leaves are quite large, wide and long.
Shape: The leaves are generally elongated with a tapered tip.
Color: Kemloko tobacco leaves can vary from light green to dark green depending on the stage of growth and environmental conditions.

Roots: Kemloko tobacco plants have a fairly strong and deep root system. These roots function to absorb water and nutrients needed by plants.

Flowers: Kemloko tobacco plants produce small flowers gathered in compact clusters at the ends of the stems. These flowers are generally white or pale yellow.

Fruit: Kemloko tobacco fruit is in the form of a pod containing many tobacco seeds. These pods dry out and turn white as the seeds ripen.

Aroma and Taste: Kemloko tobacco is known to have a distinctive and fragrant aroma. This tobacco flavor is also considered to have unique taste characteristics. The quality of the aroma and taste of Kemloko tobacco can be influenced by factors such as plant variety, the climate where it is grown, and the processing process.

Kemloko 1 is a pure strain variety resulting from pedigree selection from the local Kemloko variety, this tobacco provides very high quality tobacco.

a. Specific morphological characters:

- Rather wide oval leaves, leaf edges curl downwards
- Sparse leaf density, phyllotaxy 3/8,
- Number of leaves produced: 20-24 pieces per tree
- Middle leaf length: 41-49 cm
- Middle leaf width: 21-27 cm

b. Advantages it has:

- Yield: 787-911 kg/ha
- Quality index: 37-47
- Nicotine content: 3.75%-8.65%

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